Empowering Women to Navigate Life and Loss with God!

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NLT

Welcome to Widow I Go From Here?, with founder and Grief Recovery Specialist, DiEsha Carter. Here, authenticity is valued, intimacy with Jesus Christ is established, and the inspiration to triumph over anything with God is poured into your soul.

Ari G. - Operations Lead for Global Sourcing

"No words can adequately express how deeply I appreciate DiEsha’s authenticity and vulnerability in sharing her grief journey - and how it has impacted both my heart and spirit. Her unwavering commitment to sharing her pain and healing process has touched my heart in ways words can hardly convey - especially in this season of life losing two precious loved ones in the last year. Her conviction in God's love and care for the brokenhearted is not only inspiring but also a testament to her faith. DiEsha’s compassionate spirit and dedication to this cause are truly remarkable, and I am so grateful to know her. Thank you, DiEsha for being a beacon of hope and support for all of us on this journey."

Beverly B. - School Teacher

"I had no idea how much I needed to go through this HEALING process. DiEsha guided me through with compassion and empathy. Her ability to connect with me on such a deep emotional level empowered me to deal with the heartache of my past. DiEsha is an amazing facilitator and I am forever grateful for the heart work that we did together." -With Love, Beverly

Shantel T - Registered Nurse

"Widow I Go From Here? has been very instrumental in my grief journey and my journey towards healing. I was looking for coaching that was Christian based and God led me here. DiEsha has become an intricate part of my journey. She is very personable, and God continues to use her in mighty ways to bless my life. I am still very much in the valley but I have more hope since joining. Thank you so much DiEsha for all you have done and for being there for me during this devastating time."

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